Heroes of Might and Magic V which is also known as Heroes 5 is the fifth part of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. On May 16, this title was released by Ubisoft in Europe, and on May 24, 2006, it was released in the United States and Canada. The same as the other games in the series, you will take the role of heroes with magical abilities.
Counts the amount of occurences of an item in a table. H55_TakeResources (PlayerID,ResourceID,chosenamount,AffectedHero); H55_GiveResources (PlayerID,ResourceID,chosenamount,AffectedHero); Allows resource modification, without the need to know how much the current amount is. H55_GetHeroClass (hero);
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Heroes of Might and Magic V which is also known as Heroes 5 is the fifth part of the
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