20 Round Box of 250 Savage 100 Grain Core-Lokt PSP Soft Point Remington Ammo for Sale. SKU # R250SV. 10 Boxes per case. Velocity rated at 2820 FPS


Shop CDVS for your 20mm Ammo. Shop CDVS for Ammunition, Dummy rounds, projectiles, powder, tracer bullets, cases, primers and more.

Shop CDVS for your 20mm Ammo. Shop CDVS for Ammunition, Dummy rounds, projectiles, powder, tracer bullets, cases, primers and more. I have a friend that gave me some ammo to reload and some of it has a headstamp of PSD 87. I am wanting to know if it is .223 or 5.56x45 spec so I don't blow anything up after reloading. .223 or 5.56 P S D Head Stamp Reloading. Picked up more .223 range brass @ show today, some head stamps are marked " P S D" with numbers 1 2 and 1 3 that are not marked .223 or 5.56 so The ammunition was bulk-packed in standard 20-round cartons without stripper clips to maximize the amounts delivered and the packaging was marked in the Chinese language. In 1944 there was a contract to make 30-million modified Springfield -type Mauser -compatible stripper clips which were bulk-packed in ammo cans.

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PSD (PMC military brass) is well crimped as if they were not intended to ever be deprimed but I have done maybe 700+ without problems. using an RCBS small base die. I do not remove the crimp on many brass cases like LC, FC and IMI but man these have crimps like nothing else and require some serious brass removal.

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