Exodus 28:15 You are also to make a breastpiece of judgment with the same workmanship as the ephod. Construct it with gold, with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and with finely spun linen. Exodus 28:39 You are to weave the tunic with fine linen, make the turban of fine linen, and fashion an embroidered sash. Exodus 28:40


Kontakta Ex, Göteborg. Adress: Thorild Wulffsgatan 28, Postnummer: 413 19, Telefon: 070-390 50 ..

2020. 30. Insects as Warfare Agents in the Ancient Near East. (Ex. 23:28; De ut. 7:20; Josh.

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Exodus 28:31. The robe of the ephod — The robe of the ephod, another part of the high-priest's vestments, is next described; which was long, reaching down to the ancles, in form something like one of the surplices used in our churches, without sleeves, made all of blue woollen cloth, in direct contradiction to the superstitions of the Egyptians, who Exodus 28 The priestly garments chapter 28:1-43 In this chapter the Lord turns from the tabernacle to the priest. The link between this chapter and the preceding one is the lampstand. The following chapters will describe the priest's ordination and his task.

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30. Insects as Warfare Agents in the Ancient Near East. (Ex.

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30. Insects as Warfare Agents in the Ancient Near East. (Ex.